The UP Journalism Club (UPJC) is set to hold its forum, Media 2.0: Rethinking
Journalism, on the changing media landscape as part of its 65th anniversary celebration.
The event will aim to explain what journalism is now, how it got to this point, and how
media practitioners can move forward.
With author, blogger, and UP professor Danilo Arao and Sociology professor Samuel Cabbuag to serve as speakers, you can be one with the UPJC in taking a glimpse at what are the biggest trends in media today, its effects, and implications on society, and how we as consumers can be better and more responsible decision makers.

As we face the turn of a new decade, the rise of social media and flow of digital information have allowed citizens to play an active part in collecting, reporting, and analyzing news alongside journalists. The accessibility of smartphones and the internet allows those at the scene to report news much faster than news teams; but with the emergence of social media platforms and user-generated content in the Philippines, disinformation and ethical violations have become rampant.
Understanding Philippine journalism in its current form grants people the ability to recognize mis, mal, and dis -information, and this awareness informs them of the manner through which they consume and share content, allowing them to make informed and critical decisions. Now more than ever, we need journalists who can navigate this complex world and help put things into perspective.
Media 2.0: Rethinking Journalism will be held next Thursday, February 20, 2020, from 4 PM to 6 PM at the College of Mass Communication Auditorium, UP Diliman. The event is open to all. Come turn the pages with UPJC!