The freshmen, shiftees and transferees (FSTs) of the Journalism Department of the College of Mass Communication were treated to an afternoon of useful information and fun activities last Wednesday. Through “Buon-JOURN-o!: The Journies’ Orientation”, the UP Journalism Club (UPJC) provided the FSTs with various insights and tips on how to survive college life as a Journalism major.
Alex Castro, incumbent Vice Chairperson of the University Student Council, shared her experiences as a UP freshman and gave insights on the changes she had undergone both as a person and a UP student. She also brought several acceptance letters from the colleges she applied to back when she was a high school senior and made a comparison between the other universities’ letters and UP’s. Freshies were also exposed to social issues concerning the University as she discussed the Socialized Tuition Fee Assistance Program and its impact on the students.
Journalism representatives Mhai Cabujat and Angerica Hainto oriented the FSTs about the different Journalism electives a student can take as a Journalism major. They were given a gist of what to expect in each elective and which ones were suited to specific interests and career paths after graduation.
UPJC’s Vice President for External Affairs, Eunille Santos, shared his knowledge and experiences on the different professors of the Journalism Department to give the FSTs an idea of which elective to take under the different professors. He also imparted tips on which field each professor excels in and what classes of theirs were highly recommended.
These talks were interspersed with icebreakers and games to lighten the mood and have the FSTs get to know each other.
From people who already have spent a lot of time learning journalism, UPJC hopes that the FSTs who are just starting their journey in the exciting world of media will face life in the College of Mass Communication with enthusiasm while being critical in thought and action.

The contents of this post were retrieved from a Wayback Machine archive of UPJC’s old website on July 14, 2024, 01:54:02 GMT.