To our professor, adviser, and mother

You remind me of my mom
that I thought maybe you could be one.

You smile whenever I greet you.
But not just any kind of smile–
A smile that makes me smile.

You share many memorable stories.
But not just any kind of stories–
Stories filled with lessons from fruitful memories.

You say I did well.
But you don’t stop there.
You say I can do better.

You listen when I have questions–
Questions that may be too simple
But you still answer, help and smile.

You remind me of my mom that I thought maybe you could be one.

I will miss your smile that makes me smile.
Your stories that I’ll forever remember.
And your ears that never tire to listen.
I will miss you.

You remind me of my mom, Ma’am Simbulan.

– Ian Vincent Imperial
President, AY 2011-2012

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