For years, UPJC has worked to inform the public and promote media literacy nationwide through publications, workshops and campaigns.

KRISIS is the official publication of the UP Journalism Club.
The publication offers in-depth reports, news analyses and think pieces on the most pertinent sociopolitical issues within and outside the university.
Journeys is the annual literary folio of UPJC which features the creative writing prowess of its members in the form of poetry, short stories, photos and sketches.

Beyond is UPJC’s online student publication that looks back and goes further. Beyond strives to do as its name suggests—challenging the limits of traditional reports by providing news analyses and news features of the concluding year’s top stories.

Community Journalism Workshop
The Community Journalism Workshop (CJW) is an expansion of UPJC’s flagship program since 1995.
Formerly known as the Campus Journalism Workshop, the program aims to equip students, non-government organizations and grassroots communities with the fundamental concepts, ethics and techniques in journalism in hopes that it would help them appreciate the field and its importance in society.

Media Literacy Campaign
The Media Literacy Campaign is an on-ground, long-running media literacy campaign that aims to enlighten the public about the responsible consumption of media and reintroduction to journalism as a concept and as a profession.

Alternative Classroom Learning Experience
Every semester, UP Diliman holds the Alternative Classroom Learning Experience (ACLE) to provide students with relevant knowledge beyond what is usually taught in classrooms.
UPJC has participated multiple times in the ACLE to offer UP students a glimpse of what the real world of journalism is about.