
Founded in October 1954, the UP Journalism Club (UPJC) was formerly under the College of Arts and Sciences with former dean Armando Malay as its adviser. The organization was born at a time when the potential of harnessing communication as an industrial tool was still largely untapped. Few of its early members were late revolutionary writer-activist Jose Maria Sison and press freedom stalwart Luis V. Teodoro, former dean of the College of Mass Communication.

Today’s distinguished alumni in the academe, media and politics were once in the fore of student involvement, at the height of mass actions during the First Quarter Storm. Besides the publication of KRISIS, an issue-based newsletter, UPJC actively engaged in the call for an autonomous mass communication institute. Its efforts saw its fulfillment in 1968.

The tantamount suppression of people’s rights during the country’s Martial Law period also took toll on the once outspoken club. UPJC then concentrated on its internal affairs, working for a stronger and a more unified body. Its tradition of criticism and analysis, nevertheless, continued.

When martial law was lifted in the ’80s, the organization continued to mount campaigns for genuine student representation in the university. Veteran journalist and UPJC alumna Malou Mangahas became chairperson of the newly restored University Student Council in 1986.

UPJC’s militant beginnings heeded the call for action at the face of a country in turmoil. Today, we remain true to empowering students by tackling pressing issues that concern the university and the nation. We take pride in maintaining widely read publications that showcase both journalistic and literary prowess of our well-rounded members.

Beyond the written word, we strive to make the relevant interesting by holding various fora with media practitioners, academicians, students and professionals. The organization’s flagship activity, the Community Journalism Workshop, has provided trainings for budding journalists nationwide since 1995 in more than 15 provinces. Teaching journalism to students and grassroots communities is our way of contributing to the next generation of Filipino journalists.

UPJC shall continue to pay things forward—by harnessing the audacity of the brave and bold Filipino youth, and their enthusiasm towards pages bound to make another indelible history.