[EDITORIAL] On Rappler CEO Maria Ressa’s arrest

When the purveyors of truth are attacked, it is democracy that suffers the most.

Rappler CEO Maria Ressa was arrested yesterday February 13 at around 5:00 PM for a cyber libel case on a story published on May 2012. National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) Officers arrested Ressa from Rappler Headquarters, presenting a warrant of arrest issued last February 12. The Pasay night court’s refusal to accept efforts for her bail resulted in the CEO’s overnight detention at the NBI Cybercrime division. Despite her release, it cannot be denied that the state still sees their mere practice of the profession as a crime.

Maria Ressa’s arrest sets a dangerous precedent for what the government is willing to do to those who dare hold it accountable. Striking after continued attempts at discrediting the news site and timing the arrest at the closing of the courts prove that this is an orchestrated show of might. By twisting the law unabashedly to its favor, the government has once again abused its monopoly of power to persecute those critical of it.

The UP Journalism Club strongly denounces the arrest of Maria Ressa and all prevailing attacks on the press. Mandated to deliver the truth, the loyalty of the press is to the people and never to the powers that be. Attempts to silence dissent — or in this case, unfavorable reportage — reveals the government’s fear of getting exposed for their wrongdoings.

And with a free and liberating press unafraid to hold corrupt institutions accountable, the government is but right to cower in fear.

Join the Quick Response Mobilization
Feb. 14, 4:00 p.m.
UP College of Mass Communication Veranda


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