Statement on the denial of ABS-CBN’s franchise

Tonight, we light a candle for yet another dark moment for press freedom and Filipino democracy. Today the government was able to further restrict the Philippine press by the House committee’s rejection of ABS-CBN’s franchise renewal.

A majority of 70 representatives voted to adopt the recommendation of the technical working group to reject the bill seeking to grant the network’s franchise. Only 11 voted to dismiss the recommendation. Two inhibited while one abstained. Only 43 votes were needed to deny ABS-CBN the grant of their franchise.

In this time of pandemic where the people needed the government’s help the most, Congress let the people down. More than 11,000 Filipinos pleaded to keep their jobs; the congress, however, turned a deaf ear to their plea. By denying ABS-CBN’s franchise renewal, they denied Filipinos of food to provide for their families. While the poor are at the brink of death due to hunger and poverty, the government yet again deprives the Filipino people of food on their tables.

For over a month, ABS-CBN has been forced to stay off-air. The still black TV screens reveal the deafening silence of repressed media voices shouting for freedom.

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), and Department of Justice (DOJ) have all officially stated that the media giant has no violations, yet the house panel rejected the franchise renewal.

The ten-hour hearing on the network’s alleged bias had lawmakers scrutinizing ABS-CBN’s journalistic practices. Despite lawmakers’ criticisms and qualms, good journalism is still determined by foundational practices and news values which seek to provide the public with factually and contextually accurate information. Journalism exists not to please the powers that be, but to serve the people.

Thus, it is clear — the grant of the franchise renewal is more than the issues of tax, labor and media ownership. The insistence for meek “unbiased” reportage is an order stopping media from uncovering truths; it is the stifling of press freedom.

UP Journalism Club strongly condemns the rejection of ABS-CBN’s franchise as it suppresses critical voices and tramples on press freedom. It sends a chilling message to every Filipino, especially journalists, who use their platform critically.

While no media organization is perfect, suppressing messengers and truth-tellers bring greater harm to democracy. Let us be wary and defend against misplaced scrutiny, educate ourselves on media literacy and hold accountable those who seek to trample press freedom.


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