We, the University of the Philippines Journalism Club, are against the University Student Code Revision in the form of its proposed amendment during academic year 2009-2010. We are specifically against Section IV 13.1, “Harm to Persons”, which disallows organizations to recruit freshmen during their first semester in the University of the Philippines.
Academic freedom is held in high regard as one of the University’s ideals. We believe that this Code, if passed along with Section IV 13.1, oppresses the students of the University of the Philippines in exercising their right to assembly and academic freedom.
The students of the University should have the liberty to join whichever organization they want during any period in their academic life. We believe that organizations are there to cater to the improvement of a student’s academic, social, cultural and civic life, regardless of year level.
Freshmen, most especially, should not be barred from joining organizations as early as their first semester in the University. There is no proof whatsoever about the perceived immediate danger of joining organizations as a freshman, as the oppressive section implies.
Preventing freshmen from joining organizations is tantamount to depriving them of their freedom to organize, as well as denying them the opportunity to enrich their learning beyond the classroom. It goes against the very essence of the University’s principles.
The right to organize must not be curtailed. If the University perceives any danger in the application processes of organizations, the solution will be not through an oppressive Student Code, but through vigilance in imposing the Anti-Hazing Law and strong coordination between the administration and the organizations to ensure that no application process will harm any student in any way.
This issue is not just about being a UP student anymore; it is about whether the laws in the University actually adhere to the laws of the country.
In tandem to this, the UP Journalism Club strongly calls for the deferment of the Board of Regents’ meeting set today, November 28. The absence of the Student Regent in the meeting denotes the lack of student representation in the discussion of University matters.
The presence of the Student Regent in the meeting assures the studentry that their ideas, views, and interests will be considered in the meeting. The Student Regent experiences firsthand the plight and concerns of the students. If she is not present during this very important meeting, which is set to discuss student-related matters, we fear that the voice of the students will not be heard.
We firmly believe that student agenda should be discussed with the students through their designated representative. Representation matters to the students, especially during the discussion of an important aspect of the student agenda: the University Student Code and the Socialized Tuition Fee Assistance Program in particular. Before passing any laws and codes, more reviews and student consultations should be conducted. Respect student representation.
The students, as main stakeholders in this University no less, deserve this much.