When you entered UP, for sure your minds were filled with questions that needed to be answered immediately. Queries ranging from what’s the best food to eat to which professor to take for which GE plague your mind as you step into our sprawling campus.
(Un-)fortunately, UP is filled with thoughtful and caring minds that have been there and have already questioned that.
In the University, curiosity does not kill the cat; it makes the cat a nyan cat—if you know what I mean. (If you don’t, just spend the next 24 hours wide awake and cramming for your finals, thesis, and project. Then you just might get my drift.)
A word of caution: It is up to you whether or not to take this article seriously. In any case, we veterans of UP life know that sooner or later, you will be forced to experience majority of the items on this list. *Insert evil laugh here*

10. Know the three primary colors.
No, I don’t mean going back to your grade school Art classes. The three colors are symbolic of the three political parties in the University, namely: Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP (STAND-UP), UP Alyansa ng mga Mag-aaral para sa Panlipunang Katwiran at Kaunlaran (ALYANSA), and Nagkakaisang Iskolar Para sa Pamantasan at Sambayanan (KAISA). Each party has its own beliefs on students’ rights and welfare, as well as holding their own views on national issues.
They are definitely a sight to see, especially if you are assigned to the University Student Council beat during election season (sometime around February to March)—or you just want to ogle at your favorite officer (a.k.a. crush) in the Council. Either way, it pays to know which ideals and beliefs you stand for, and which party will best represent them.

9. Strike a high five with Zorro
You probably know Zorro as the eccentric man that was featured in one of your favorite TV magazine shows. Although he is not Don Diego de la Vega in a mask who rescues damsels in distress, Zorro has been known to help out in university problems, such as regulating the flow of traffic around the oval.
Zorro is a common sight to see inside the University, but few have the guts to come near him. After all, who wouldn’t be startled by the presence of a UP icon?
He is usually seen patrolling around the Academic Oval (near CAL and FC), waiting for the brave spirits who would join him in his philanthropic quest—or would just entertain his catchphrases with a conversation. Sometimes though, words aren’t needed to show appreciation and fondness for this man—all he asks for as you jog by him is a high-five.

8. Help the lost travelers.
Say, who knows where Africa Street is? UP students remember the places (i.e. buildings, landmarks) they go to, not the streets they trudge. Though there’s the (sometimes) friendly Kuya Guard to ask directions from, not everyone knows they can be approached. Don’t turn a blind eye to a person in need! Help a lost freshie, fellow student, or random stranger when they call you for aid. (Trust me, there are a lot of lost souls in UP…) You just need to know where to correctly point them to, so familiarize yourself with the campus!

7. Enter all the UP buildings.
How can Palma Hall and Melchor Hall, Quezon Hall and Gonzales Hall be mirroring images of each other? Why were they named as such? The only way to find out is by going inside the buildings and asking around! Aside from possibly helping other freshmen and lost travelers in the future, you get to learn more about our beloved State University. And who knows, you just might find your significant other around the corner. 😉

6. Cast Magnus Exorcismus (Great Exorcism) in all the haunted places!
When you first read that UP is a haven for the paranormal and the supernatural back in elementary, you told yourself, “No way will I ever enter that school. Over my dead and beautiful (and gorgeous and sexy and…) body!”
Six or so years after, you have acquired the skill and the guts to face your fears, and you take the chance of entering the premiere State University.
You think to yourself (if you were a Ragnarok Online gamer), “Glast Heim. Time to show the Dark Lord some moves.”
Start in Vinzons Hall, where the lady with bloodshot eyes allegedly resides, along with the Philippine Collegian staff. Then do the rounds to Benitez Hall, Palma Hall, Abelardo Hall…hear the howls, followed by your screams as you run for your life! Then let yourself wander in a perhaps less haunted place surrounded by the most beautiful people, such as the College of Mass Communication. Hehe.
5. Actually take the course because of the course itself, and not because of the professor.
Wise words from a student who took Biology 1 under Dr. Amparado years ago:
“Professors have feelings, too. They really try their best to be loved by their students. Blame their age, blame their hostile personalities, blame their hell examinations but never put the blame on them wholly.
Take the course not because the professor douses one’s in class. Take the course because you will learn something from it, from the professor who teaches it.”
The same student dares you to take Biology 1 under the same professor. >:)

4. Bike on the bike lane!
Once upon a time, the UP campus’ Academic Oval had a two-way lane. Ikot and Toki jeeps met one another. Private vehicles frolicked inside the campus. “This is heaven,” they said.
Upmount (yup-mawnt), the god of nature, felt saddened by the dependency of the UP community to the fuel-powered-global-warming-triggering vehicles. “Let there be bikes,” were his words, roaring above the skies. His words are holy orders. And one by one, bicycles fell from the sky.
“UP Padyak is a campus biking program for UPD students and, more recently, for faculty. Initiated in 2008 by the UP Mountaineers, the UP Padyak project has gained support from the UP community.”
From the UP Padyak on iskWiki
Why not appreciate the beauty of the campus whilst exercising and reducing your carbon footprint? Rent a UP Padyak bike today!

3. Grab a hefty lunch for less than 50 pesos.
There is no McDonalds or Jollibee inside the campus—because we dislike commercialism. *winks*
Despite the absence of the two most affordable and unhealthy fast food chains in the country, the UP community understands the pains of having less than a hundred peso allowance a day. Thus, vendors can be found setting up stalls around the campus to sell your favorite street foods. For years, kwek-kwek, siomai, pancit canton plus hot monay have become the staple food of UP students. Less cost, marginally less unhealthiness. Just make sure that Ate Fishball changes her cooking oil once in a while.
2. Fake being an upperclassman.
When you are a freshman (or are under freshman standing), you always believe that being at least a year level higher is tantamount to being perceived as “cool”, or at the very least, experienced. Sometimes this is true, but most of the time…no. Just no.
So how DO you look like an old and jaded UP student? First, don’t eat breakfast. Breakfast is not our best friend. It causes indigestion early in the morning. Second, don’t sleep. Such word does not exist in our vocabulary. Third, be numb and don’t love. It is taboo that you have a lover, and we don’t have that special someone (like you). Acads, orgs, and extra-curricular activities are your new lovers now.
I ask you: Do you still want to look like an upperclassman? :>

1. Enjoy being the apple of everyone’s eye.
Freshies are a reminder that there was that time in our lives that we were as happy as you; that we used to have all the GEs we wanted every end of the CRS batch run; that we once had all the time to procrastinate.
You are living legends. We are filled with awe when we look at you because you are like the looking-glass mirrors of our past selves. So, bask in it, enjoy all the cooing and attention, get all the freebies you can get your hands on.
Because after a year, this feeling will end. Welcome to Sophomore year!
You think the UPCAT was the last of it? Think again.
Let the REAL Hunger Games begin.
See you in the long lines for prerog!

The contents of this post were retrieved from a Wayback Machine snapshot of UPJC’s old website dated March 18, 2023, 21:08:31 GMT.