To our professor, adviser, and mother

I will never quite forget that one time I sat in her office to have my Form 5A checked for the routine pre-advising.

She took a quick glance at my enlisted subjects and asked why I chose to enroll in them. I told her, rather meekly, that I’d been told they’ll be interesting enough. And then she told me that I should never want to enlist in any subject just because somebody told me they’re fun.

What should’ve been a two-minute encounter turned into a ten-minute exchange of questions and advice. I hadn’t been her student then, and I will never be now, but I will always remember her—her warm smile and caring, motherly demeanor—and feel thankful that even with the briefest encounters, the Lord has permitted me to meet a great mentor like her.

– Ralph Angelo Ty
Vice President for Alumni Relations, AY 2011-2012

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